Monday, October 22, 2007

And so it begins

For the most part, I'm one of those "the chase is better than the catch" guys. Whatever I do, I relish the prep. The getting ready, getting "the stuff", finally doing it. Then I'm done, time to move on. (Fortunatly, this doesn't apply to everything). I'm a list maker, a planer. Ok, lets face it, I'm anal.

So, tonight I pulled down the suitcase for my trip on Saturday.

Sure, I don't leave until Saturday, but I've got a lot of stuff to get together. Taking an extra suitcase for the couple of day excursion. Got the carry on pack, too. I've got a couple of coats for my parents sitting in a chair. There you go! I need someplace to put them! Might as well pack them. Need the suitcase for that, and I needed to go in the attic anyway to put away the camping gear.

See how easy that was?

I'm going to have to do a bit of laundry this week for the trip. I don't really know what to take with me. The weather is going to be up and down. Also, when we helicopter down into the canyon, most of my allowed weight will be in camera gear. Meh, who needs clothes on an Indian reservation? Maybe I need some of Annnnnnnnn's magic skin stuff to prevent chafing.

I'm thinking tomorrow will be a motorcycle day with my new robogloves. Pants on order.


TriGirl 40 said...

I am thinking a half or full IM is in your future. It will appeal to your anal, list making, planning nature. Say New Zealand, 2009?

Unknown said...

You've never seen me run, have you. You won't. :-)