Monday, August 4, 2008

Three Weeks

Well, I've now ridden for 3 weeks in a row, so I guess I'm now allowed to post and say that I've been riding.
And let me say I'm sore. I mean, sure, I haven't been to the gym at all but why do my legs hurt so much?? Saturday REB and I rode 40 miles. It hurt, but not bad. I came home and cut the grass and my quads were killing me. Thankfully this didn't last.
Its been a busy summer. So much going on. I'm still not sure how I'm going to manage doing a century for Heart of VA. If 40 hurts, how will I do 100? I was much more productive riding last year. Oh well, guess I can't do it all the time.

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

Wait is this a blog post?

About a bike ride (or a few).

None of which I've been a part of?
