Monday, March 26, 2012

The Wonder Years

Still tossing around in the major formative years, but aside from the aforementioned Kiss "Alive" (OK, and every subsequent Kiss album), I'm not sure there is anything that qualifies as life changing.

Looking back however, there sure were lots of classics during this time. All over the map, even. I once did a 70s radio show and was astonished to find out all the variety that existed in the mid 70s. All the art/punk stuff I wouldn't discover for years, so I'll leave that one alone for now.

I will take a brief detour and talk about..

From the unique beginning of "Detroit Rock City" this pre-teen was floored. The imagery was perfect for a boy, even if perhaps I didn't get most of it. But, the music was just fantastic.
"Detroit Rock City" just rolls, big and bold. Yes, another song the critics hated, but it rocks.
"King of the Nighttime World" continues the big boldness. Bombastic for the time, I'd say. Loud production.
"God of Thunder" As a Gene fan, this is one of my favorites. "God of thunder, and rock and roll" Deep, full of bass and just full of awesome
"Great Expectations" - yeah, that one I let pass by. Just kind of whimpy.
"Flaming Youth" was a single, and I'm sure I loved it at the time, but it hasn't held up for me like the harder songs
"Sweet Pain" I also will still pass on this one. I mean, I won't skip it when listening start to finish, but if it came up on random I might.
"Shout it out Loud" yeah, the big hard rock hit off the album. The party anthem. Naturally I loved it, now it makes me warm inside.
"Beth" What do I need to say really? Blech. I prefer my rock with less sap.
"Do You Love Me" I don't really recall what I thought of this song, tho I think I kind of liked it. Funny thing is, a cover of the song by the band "Girl" that I heard in college made me like the song again, and now I like it a lot!

Other classic releases that hold me value in one way or another for me...
It was at the same time that Lynyrd Skynyrd released the live album "One More From the Road". This means but one thing....."What song is it you want to hear? FREEBIRD!!!!!" Yep, the song that launched a gazillion High School favorite song lists. And also a song that pretty much every band has had requested of them. It is a good song, but much like the epic "Stairway to Heaven" if I never heard it again, I'd be ok with that.

There is so much more that came out then, "Hotel California", "Blinded by the Light", the first Foreigner album (I really thought that was later", "Fly Like an Eagle", "Carry On my Wayward Son", "Barracuda", the list goes on.

While not an album I bought at the time, Queen put out the biggest thing ever, "Bohemian Rhapsody". The song is so good and so fun to this day. This is a song that was truly outside of the box. I'm sure both of you reading this have sung the song many a time.

So now I'm solidly in the rock camp. Album rock anyway. Sure there were diversions..."Disco Duck" anyone? I need to get off my butt and do a little research now as I believe we're about to hit something besides a Kiss record that moved me.

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