Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Owe

Photos, but you aren't getting them still.

Just a brief post. Finally managed to go for a ride today. Reb and I headed out for an easy 20. I've been off so long, I wasn't willing to do a long one. Let me say it sucked. We headed out and it was colder than I thought. I felt like crap. Even in Reb's draft, it sucked. My lungs were cold, legs were still and I guess there was a head wind. Ugh. Twenty wouldn't be done fast enough.

The bike, tho, felt good.

At one point I glanced back looking for traffic and AAAAAHHHHAAAAAA. There was someone right on my wheel. Note to self: announce yourself when you approach someone. Scared the crap outta me. Didn't help they were in black so it looked odd at first glance. Really shocked me.

I led the way back. I kept a decent pace, though I haven't looked to see what it was. The ride back was way better. I'm not sure what made the difference. Wind? Finally warmed up? I don't know, but thankfully it was better. The end started to suck when we got back to where we were more out in the open, but it wasn't as bad.

Verdict on the bike is that the fitting was great. The whole thing felt way better. Now if my body would just feel the same....


TriGirl 40 said...

Yesterday was challenging riding conditions to say the least.

Glad the bike fit worked out!

Diane said...

Sounds great! ... or perhaps I'm just jealous because I haven't been on my bike for so long...