Saturday, March 8, 2008

She's Goooooooooooone

And I'm not talking about "chubrub".

Windy, rainy morning. No riding. Errands. Laundry.
Load the bike.

Get in the car and drive. Still much wind to fight, but the trip was pretty short.


It was kind of dark and a little scary. Quiet. Wheeled the bike towards the back of the store.

A heavily tattoo'd woman asked if she could help. I said yes. Please take my bike from me. I will be back Monday for a fitting.

And I left.

I didn't look back.

I didn't even cheat and look at other bikes on the way out.

I hope they take good care of her.

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

They will take awesome care of her.

And she will be most happy you didn't even "look."