Friday, December 21, 2007

Some Relief

Well, better mood today. Yesterday was awful. I do it to myself, what can I say? Twisted Sister helped, but nothing could make up for the Medussa touch I was sporting yesterday.

I ended up hopping on the trainer last evening and doing the muscle workout. Yeow. I can't do the whole thing, much less the whole thing at a cadence that matters. Still, its bound to help. I need to build my legs up so I can muscle up the tough hills. I ride a double, and even with compact crank arms I have a tough time up really steep hills. So, I need muscle to be able to spin. I now need to do the spinning DVD. I guess eventually I'll get a recovery DVD and that should be good.

Anyway, I pushed as hard as I could, and felt it. This was followed by yet more packing and finally a little PC time. PCs are such a pain. I'm not sure what I did, but now I can't seem to burn Lightscribe labels.

( I have just turned on the "Like, Oh My God" Its the 80s box set. This should be good for a laugh. Man, I'm Hungry Like the Wolf now)

I don't know what I did to the PC, but I stayed up until 2 messing with it. I could have stayed up all night. I have a hard time making myself go to bed when I'm doing stuff like that. Thankfully, I'm not too tired today. Pretty dead here anyway. I'll have to go to bed on time tonight since I'm riding tomorrow.

Ok, feeling guilty. I need to go do something legit.

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