Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Wow, apparently my squats did a little more hurt than I thought. Thighs still sore. No gym today. Trying to do a little test marketing so we were delivering fliers. Naturally upon getting home we discovered we messed up the phone number. Oh well, it was only 50 fliers. Just trying to get a feel. Maybe they'll email.

Good news today, my motorcycle is ready. Thing has been in the shop waiting for a chain for weeks. Yesterday I found some on line and was planning to call the shop today to tell them I'd supply the part...but its done. Missed most of September. Well, upside is that it has been hot so maybe cool, not cold, weather will linger.

Back to bicycle land, I've been considering some new pedals. Originally I had some Look knock offs. I never liked them much, but used them for a few years. Finally the cleats fell apart so I went to Times. I LOVE my Time ATACS on my Mtn bike. Best pedals ever. I've ended a ride with sticks stuck in the pedals and was still able to clip in and out fine. So, I bought Time RXS's. I've never been able to get these to work well either. In reading reviews I've seen many others that have trouble cliping in. I also read of lots of them breaking, but that hasn't happened to me. I have to STAND on the pedal to get it locked. I always figured its the location of the cleat on my shoe, but I just haven't had luck. I'm considering Speedplays now.

Got a trip coming up in a few weeks, so my anal tendencies have me prepping now. There is just never enough time, so I start early. So much to do, so little time.


REB60 said...

I'm gonna need pedals too. I'm just too cheap. Want to sell me yours?

TriGirl 40 said...

Marketing? What are you marketing?

Pedals - go for it! Love me some carbon Looks.

Glad the motorcycle is ready to come home.