Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Slow week, nice I suppose. Still trying to catch up on the stuff I didn't get done over the weekend. Excitement has amounted to getting the new dishwasher installed and getting the kitty fixed.

Well, that last one might not have been so good for kitty.

Old photo

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How can you resist that?

No photos of the dishwasher, sorry.

Got to the gym the other day. Didn't push it, but felt ok. May go tomorrow. Gotta be ready for Diane and Richard. Hard to get back in the swing of things. Like Richard, I need to get the trainer back out.

Had a revelation this week. I'll start by saying its good I didn't get a motorcycle until I was older. I rode to work on Tuesday. One truism of riding is that you are invisible to cars. Another is, you are ageless. You are cool. You are (insert your fave classic cool guy here) Steve McQueen.
So I'm cruising down the road avoiding traffic. I pass (what I hope is)a High School busstop where a young lady has stepped out of the crowd trying to thumb a ride with me. I just waved and smiled in my helmet, behind my sunglasses, all of which hide my age. Girls do love what they perceive to be dangerous boys, don't they. If I had any confidence when I was young, this could have gotten me into a lot of trouble.

As it turns out, I had no confidence, no motorcycle and no money when I was young. Perhaps I still had a slightly dangerous look, but that's as far as it went. I don't think many Moms liked me, which worked in my favor.

Anyway, since I have nothing fantastic to say, I'll close with a photo of the sex machine. Don't hit me on your way to work tomorrow, riders are people, too!

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REB60 said...

Is that a trainer on the back of your motorcycle? Hmmm, never new you could ride one that way.

TriGirl 40 said...

Oh my gosh, that kitty is sooo cute.

And if you could get her to ride the motorcycle with you - the bad boy, cute kitty combo - there'd be lines of gitls looking to thumb a ride. :)