Sunday, October 21, 2007

The time is neigh

First - Richard, no, you don't go very far when your motorcycle is on a work stand. It is similar to a trainer tho. It is indeed a device which allows you to torture yourself. In this case it makes it easier for me to work on the motorcycle.

Got some new blingy motorcycle gloves. Now I look even more like a Power Ranger! I should shoot a pic. Still need some pants tho.

Yeah, so Friday was a school event. You know, how is it I can overcome hating crowds when I'm being pushed around at a concert, but stick me in a crowded school and I'm about to crawl out of my skin! But I managed and its all good.

Saturday morning brought "the ride". Again I find myself gearing up at an hour I'd rather not be. Don't get me wrong, despite my bitching, I love it or I wouldn't be doing it.
And Saturday, I geared up for sure. I added clothes about 6 times. Shorts, knee warmers, long sleeve jersey, heavier socks, long finger gloves, undershirt and a coat. So, by the time we met up with Annn, I was warm. I ditched the coat at Annn's car, thanks! Honestly, the rest of the gear, I was fine. Richard says I'm old, he might be right.

So, as usual Diane takes off fast. That's hard for me to do, I usually have to warm up some. It was a great ride. Annnnn decided she was going to lead and she took off. We had quite a pace going. I think she was up front for most of the ride. At the very end I know she was behind me, but that didn't last long. All these kids can ride, it really is fun.

Saturday brought F1 qualifying, with Ferrari at the front, but things looking good for Hamilton to be the: 1st rookie to win the championship; 1st black to win the championship; and the youngest driver to win the championship. Sunday was the race. And what a race. Hamilton blew it, and then had some mechanical issues to help him move backward during the race. I say he blew it. This guy is 22. First year in F1. He is so phenominal that when he makes a true rookie mistake, everyone is floored.

I won't bore you, but it was a great race. Kimi Raikkonen came from a longshot third in points to win the season. He drives for Ferrari. It was great!

The rest of the weekend was spent with dull tasks like laundry and planning for my trip next weekend. More on that later.


Annn said...

I was totally drafting you up that hill.

REB60 said...

Kermit says, "I should shoot a pic. Still need some pants tho."

Please make sure you have the pants before you shoot a pic, as a favor to rest of us.

Unknown said...

I was flipping through some blogs, and apparently its ok if I don't wear pants. Websense needs a little more sense.